Taking Control of Data Classification for ISO 27001 Compliance

Photo of Richard Evans

Richard Evans

November 23, 2023

Brown wooden hand tool on white printer paper

Data classification allows organisations to categorise their information assets based on levels of sensitivity and importance. This is a critical first step towards securing and protecting data under compliance standards like ISO 27001.

ISO 27001 mandates that companies establish an information classification policy to define security classes, labelling, and handling procedures based on how critical and confidential the information is. This policy must then be implemented across the organisation for all information systems and documents. Employees handling the data must be trained on proper use of classification labels.

Challenges With Manual Classification

Most companies struggle with consistent manual classification due to lack of oversight and training. Employees tend to underestimate data sensitivity or fail to classify adequately before sharing data through email and documents. This leaves companies vulnerable to data breaches and non-compliance.

Automating Classification Enforcement

Organisations need solutions that automate classification policies across repositories of Outlook emails and Office files.

Protective Marking provides capabilities to:

  • Establish pre-defined classifications that align with regulatory policies

  • Force users to classify emails when sending and documents before saving / printing

  • Embed visible labels and metadata based on content

  • Restrict sharing of confidential data

  • Analyse classifications applied historically

By mandating user-driven classification that travels with information assets, Protective Marking bridges the gap between written data security policies and practical enforcement. This leads to higher security and compliance with reduced risk.

Get control over your Office365 environment with Protective Marking's user-transparent and precise classification capabilities for ISO 27001 compliance.

Sign up for a demo today.

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